Rabbi Alona Lisitsa of the Reform Judaism Movement
In this past 29th and 30th of Av (30th and 31st August), the Ohel Jacob Synagogue had the privilege of welcoming Rabbi Alona Lisitsa who officiated the Cabbalat Shabbat and Shacharit ceremonies of Rosh Chodesh for the month of Ellul. Our house was full at the Shabbat dinner! During her time with us Rabbi Alona also participated in several follow up meetings and mentorship with our community and promoted stimulating reflections on the theme of the weekly Parasha (Re’eh). At the end of the day our Rabbi clarified several practical and doctrinal points regarding Selichot for Ellul. Rabbi Alona brought from Israel a set of Rimonim that are now decorating one of our Siphrei Torah. It was a short visit, but the support and the the guidance provided has been more than valuable for the next steps of the development of our growing community that is establishing itself as the home of Reform Judaism in Portugal. The Hehaver Association thanks the EUPJ for their support in bringing Rabbi Alona Lisitsa to our community. It was certainly one of the most rewarding moments of this year in our Synagogue.

Rabbi Alona Lisitsa, Leonor Gama and Adriana Souza