Rosh Hashanah 5780
Rosh haShana, Jewish new year, is different from popular new year celebrations known in different cultures and religions around the world as it is not a overjoys carnival like festival...
Read MoreRosh haShana, Jewish new year, is different from popular new year celebrations known in different cultures and religions around the world as it is not a overjoys carnival like festival...
Read MoreThis week weekly portion “Behaalotha” contains the very famous story of Miriam’s punishment. Miriam and Aharon talked about Moshe and the fact he...
Read MorePikudei is the last weekly portion in the Book of Exodus. It closes the story of the slavery of the Children of Israel and their liberation from the bondage of...
Read MoreMost of the Noah Torah portion is devoted to humankind's sins, the punishment of the long and terrible flood and Noah's miraculous salvation. Then, when all that is over, we...
Read MoreThe Rosh Hashana custom of Pidyon Hanefesh, the ransom of a soul, is rooted in a kabalistic worldview. As its name suggests, the custom parallels...
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